This agreement sets out the terms and conditions that will govern the relationship between us, The Film & TV Academy (Ftacademy Ltd) and you, the Parent/Guardian. It is a legally binding agreement. These conditions are important to maintain standards and to ensure that all members gain the maximum benefit from their membership.

Any free trial (taster session) is strictly at the approval of the Academy Principal, subject to availability and does not guarantee a place at the Film & TV Academy.

Membership of the Film & TV Academy entitles you to send one child to one weekly three hour class (Location & class time specified by parent/guardian when purchasing membership).

Fees for the Academy tuition are (£100.00 pcm – paid over 12 months) or (£1,000 – paid annually). Invoices are available on request. Class timetables, teachers and Principals are subject to change without notice.

Monthly membership fees will still be taken in August despite there not being FTA sessions run, as the monthly membership is an annual fee paid over 12 months, and is still required in the month of August.

In the event of a membership being reinstated following a memebrship cancellation, an additional £85.00 sign up fee applies (£85 + £15 = £100 total sign up fee)

A 1 month notice period is required for termination of membership and can only be given in writing to FTACADEMY LTD ( The time of receipt (not sending) shall be the time of commencement of the notice period.

A teacher may, at any time, ask your child to leave a class if he/she is jeopardising the safety or enjoyment of others or their educational experience.

The minimum membership period is 1 month. You must pay the monthly membership subscription by Direct Debit for the minimum membership period unless your membership is terminated without liability, suspended or transferred in accordance with these terms. The Film & TV Academy (FTACADEMY LTD) reserves the right to change the day, time and location of the sessions.

We will suspend membership during the minimum membership period in the event that the child is unable to attend FTA for more than one month due to his / her injury or illness. In the unfortunate event that it is medically no longer possible for the child to attend FTA we will cancel the minimum membership period without any further obligation to you. We may require suitable medical evidence in the form of a GP or hospital letter setting out the medical reasons.

In the event that you do not make the membership fee payments when due, the right to send the child to attend FTA will be withdrawn until payment is received and brought up to date.

At the end of the minimum membership period, your membership will automatically continue unless either party cancels by giving the other at least one month’s notice.

We may terminate your membership and discontinue the child’s entitlement to attend the Academy in the event of serious or repeated breach of these Membership rules.

Payment is due on the first of each month. Payment must be made by Direct Debit mandate. If payment of membership fees or tuition fees is not made in full for any reason we reserve the right to suspend your membership and to exclude your child from the Academy.

We reserve the right to use any individual or group photographs or movie shots of your child for press or promotional purposes.

Students make short films in teams, fulfilling roles as part of the film crew or acting in front of the camera. Films will be shared by the Film & TV Academy online on our official channels, screened at local cinemas and sometimes entered into film festivals. By registering with the Film & TV Academy, you are agreeing to these terms of membership.

Bullying, harassment, abuse or other inappropriate behaviour by you, your child or guests is strictly forbidden and will result in expulsion and such other legal remedies as may be available.

To the extent permitted by law, our liability to you, save in respect of death or personal injury caused by our negligence shall be limited to the total amount you have paid for your membership.

You and your child must treat all Film & TV Academy members, children, staff and teachers with respect and consideration. The Film & TV Academy does not tolerate rude, offensive or aggressive remarks and behaviour in any way. You must make yourself and your child aware of the health and safety rules of the venue and comply with the recommendations at all times.

Smoking and the bringing or consumption of alcohol and the use or being under the influence of illegal substances is not permitted anywhere in our Academies.

We reserve the right to make changes to these rules.

This agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales